Friday, 24 September 2010

Scale of Tzar

You thought Hiroshima was big... then came the Russians.

Farewell for now...

Would you smile?

Morris "Dick" Jeppson of Las Vegas who was part of the 1st Ordnance Group and armed the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, visits the historic Enola Gay hanger at the Historic Wendover Airfield Monday, April 27, 2009 in Wendover Utah.
To place no disrespect to this gentlemen but I don't think I could smile in recollection of this time and place. Maybe it's his way of dealing with the memory.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

The Migrant Mother

If you are not aware of this image and the tale behind its birth find out today.

Dorothea Lange


Some people you know will be in your life forever... X

Friday, 3 September 2010

Brutal but Good.

The Killer Inside Me

Nice Work Casey!

Rescue Me...

The magic of I

Roller Derby

In the vain attempt to keep my youth alive (and my dear friends) a group of us have got back onto eight wheels and thought we would give it a shot at Roller Derby!

If you are interested we are the 'HOTWHEELS HARLOTS' and are recruiting, find us on Facebook.

Watch this space for more info ;)